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Amateur Radio Programming Service

Programming for Amateur Transceivers and Communications Receivers

Email : [email protected]

(44) (020) 71019530

It has come to my attention recently that many people are experiencing difficulties programming their transceivers. This is particularly the case with Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) equipment. Being a commercial standard, DMR presents a particular set of issues since these transceivers are normally programmed by an engineer for the end user prior to use, and the end user then need not know anything about system parameters or codeplugs.

Unfortunately, this model does not fit well with amateur usage. Not only do codeplugs require reprogramming each time talkgroups change, but repeater groups display a great deal of variation in how they document the system parameters. Whereas some have gone to a great deal of trouble to provide the information needed to sucessfully program a codeplug (frequencies, colour code, timeslot and talkgroup settings), others document these parameters poorly if at all!

Whereas the concepts behind codeplug programming are simple on paper, one has to remember that the actual implementation of it can quickly become complex, expecially for those used to analouge systems. Furthermore, codeplugs may not be available for your location in the country, or for the particular radio you have. Whereas Yaesu Fusion radios are only slightly harder to program than analouge FM equipment, D-Star requires knowledge of routing amd DMR radios are particularly chalenging. I anticipate that a large percentage of the equipment I program for others will be DMR equipment. New users of DMR are registering by the hundred, yet many have difficulties with initial setup.

For this reason I have decided to formally offer a programming service. Please contact me by email to discuss your requirements.

David, G7VDI