In Burkina Faso I will be dealing with a totally different market with totally different demographics to those found in Europe. Therefore it is vital to incorperate the demographics into the business model.
Therefore a main focus is in keeping the products affordable for the local population. It is a well known fact that African countries are lagging behind the so-called 'developed' world by some decades, as is takeup of many forms of technology. in terms of technological development, most of the technology in use in the countries in Western Africa is imported.
Like any part of the world, the region is NOT imune to the effects of workd affairs, however distant and far away they may seem. The war in Ukraine is having worldwide detrimental effects in terms of increaded energy costs, increased commodity prices and inflation. As the World Bank puts it:
The invasion of Ukraine compounds the factors holding back recovery in the region. Although the direct trade and financial linkages with Russia and Ukraine are small, the war will likely impact Sub-Saharan African economies through higher commodity prices, higher food, fuel and headline inflation, tightening of global financial conditions, and reduced foreign financing flows into the region. The growth effects in the region are expected to be marginal however, the largest impact is on the increasing likelihood of civil strife as a result of food- and energy-fueled inflation amid an environment of heightened political instability.
'Sub Saharan Africa' basically is a generic term for the regions of Africa south of the Arabic speaking north of the continent.
Obviously, just like any other business, we need to make a certain profit margin while also selling products at a price which is affordable to the population. For this reason, the most cost effective solution to a problem can generally be considered the optimal solution.
The pruducts which will appear here - and are currently under development - will be targetted as low cost devices for the West Afrcian market. I anticipate that suppliers of conponents will be sourced from the Pacific rim - and China in particular.
Please note that this page is in its early stages and the business in the planning stage - however watch this space! Here is an outline of our mission statement...
Here is a introduction to the basics of solar (Photovoltaic) power. Weighing up the advantages and disadvantages.
More details will appear here soon.